Author: geri (page 1 of 3)

How to become a web pentester

I spent quite some time trying to figure out the answer to this question when I created my online training with the clever title “Web Hacking: Become a Web Pentester“. In this post I will try to summarize what I learnt when I looked at my own career and what we look at when we hire new people to my team.

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Why learn web pentesting

I get the question a lot, how to get into pentesting. I think the shortest way to do that is through web pentesting and in this post I will explain why do I think that.
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Intro to ARP spoofing with bettercap

I recently discovered a fairly new man-in-the-middle tool called bettercap, which I will test in this video. I will explain the concept of ARP spoofing, install bettercap, and see how one can use it to sniff passwords on a network.
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The free Burp Suite training is ready

I have been working on an online Burp Suite training for quite some time. It is finally ready.

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Advanced sqlmap features – eval

I was always sad when I couldn’t use sqlmap when the injection was not very simple. Of course I always expected that to be my fault, that I didn’t spent enough time to configure sqlmap properly. So the other day when I tested an application and found an sql injection which was a pain in the neck to exploit manually, I rolled up my sleeves and started to look at source code of sqlmap to figure out some parameters which I never knew what they did. This blog post is about the --eval parameter which allows you to manipulate the requests before sending them.
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Review: Build a Network Application with Node video tutorial

I have been asked to review Joe Stanco’s Build a Network Application with Node video tutorial. So let’s see.

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Slides: Security Implication of the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

As I mentioned in the CORS: Attack scenarios and the CORS: Attacker Model posts, I held the presentation about the security of CORS at the Hacktivity conference in Budapest. The presentation slides can be downloaded from here. If you have any questions to the topic, then let me know.
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CORS: Attack scenarios

I was preparing myself for the Hacktivity conference in Budapest, where I talked about the security of the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). As part of the preparation I summarised my thoughts in a couple of blog posts. This is one of them.

As a follow up of my previous post, I would like to continue with the short analysis of the threats and attack scenarios which could exploit CORS.
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CORS: Attacker Model

I am preparing myself for the Hacktivity conference in Budapest, where I am gonna talk about the security of the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). As part of the preparation I will summarise my thoughts in a couple of blog posts.

To start off with I will describe the potential attackers who could try to use CORS in their attacks and I will build an attacker model.
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Stack Adjustment by hand

When you are developing an exploit and you have very limited space for your payload you might need to adjust the stack to be able to use staged exploits. The problem, in case of a multi-stage payload, is that when the first stage that you send in your exploit payload starts to download the second stage, the stack pointer (ESP) might point to a place which is not far enough from the first stage in the memory; hence, the second stage might corrupt the code that you are executing. Stack adjustment is a technique that tries to solve this problem by setting the ESP to create more space for the second stage.
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